People choose their brands, NUDLA helps you get chosen


Nudla is a design studio that will level the brand experience with people’s expectations by unfolding strategic solutions, created for the individuals the brand aims to represent and mirror.

What makes a brand better than the rest?

At Nudla we take great pride in always finding the right answer to that question. We know that it varies from case to case and depends, among other things, on the target audience, price range, competition and segment.

This devotion makes Nudla the perfect choice for the bold and the smart. For those who want to stand out and get ahead of the game.

Our respect and knowledge for the competitive market will be key in making sure that you will get the attention you deserve from the people you admire the most — your customers.

Read about our services >

Our tailored work process:

At Nudla, every solution is custom-made for every client’s particular need. But no matter if we design a brand strategy, communication concept or graphic identity — the work process always consists of the same three steps:

  1. Research & Insight + Feedback

  2. Concept development + Feedback

  3. Production + Feedback

While working together, we will present and involve you in all different phases of the process. This is the best way to give you control and understanding of the project and you will always be able to review the development before we continue to the next step.

Core of NUDLA-a-a-a-a

Approach the people that inspire you and that you look up to. Let them know that you find them fascinating, listen to what they have to say and evolve from it.

Awake from your preconceptions and challenge yourself and others. Find answers to your questions through what you discover, not from what you think you already know.

Attract the brands, clients and talents you want to work with by contributing into making Nudla the best and most interesting design studio Sweden has to offer.

Accept that work, and life, doesn’t always go the way we planned. Keep an open mind, learn from every new situation and be the best you can be at the time.

Founders of NUDLA

Hanna Rydholm

Brand strategist

People, brands and communication are three things Hanna is passionate about. She is especially interested in how to make brands and their target audience fall in love with one another – with the help of great design and communication.

She has a degree in copywriting and advertising and after working several years in different marketing and communication departments, she felt it was about time to switch sides of the table. Hanna wanted to make the best use of her skills and help more companies to become clearer, better and (more) successful.

Nudla is the answer to that ambition and today she is 100% focused on creating long-term and scalable solutions for brands who strive to become bigger and better.

Contact Hanna

Sofia Larsén

Art director

For Sofia, design and brand building is like solving a puzzle! There are a lot of different aspects to put into consideration, not only trying to fit all the pieces of the brand together, but also bringing peoples’ opinions and feelings into the process. The moment when it all just 'clicks' and the team has created something amazing is what keeps her eager every time going into a new project.

After graduating as a graphic designer, Sofia joined a record label before she continued to freelance and worked her way into fashion before starting her own design studio. 

Being a conceptual wizard equipped with an analytical mind, Sofia’s goal is to put Nudla on the map as the most interesting design studio Sweden has to offer, while working magic for the clients.

Contact Sofia

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